14 June 2016

One of my new 101 goals

So I love having goals, but even more than that I love accomplishing them them. I will be posting regularly again in this space. It's only for a select few, so it's not like any of the other social media that I use.  My new list will be published soon but, I want to tell you about this one goal so long, and an app that I found. The app is called Memrise and it's helping me to learn more of another language. I have tried listening to cd's for languages, as well as other apps but nothing comes close to this one. It's simple to use, clean design and visible progress makes it perfect for me. 

This time I chose Spanish to test out and after 2 days, I'm confident that I can read, say and write the 21 new words that I have learnt and reviewed a few times. I was caught out the first time I used the app, I listened to the words and recognized them but one option they request is, they say the word and you have to type it out! After that I focused on how to spell the words too.

This is what the icon looks like. I downloaded it from the iStore as a free app.

More later xx