03 August 2016

Cashless journey - the summary

That was a fun experiment!
I survived very easily until the very last day. I went to Melrose Arch to the iFix store and met a friend for pink drinks. We were talking about the project and he said the only cash he ever uses is at parking machines at shopping centers. We both agreed that Meltose Arch would have modern enough machines to accept cards and I would not have a problem. Bruce, we were mistaken, no cards at the parking, and I had to give in and haul out the cash. Almost made it. 

Vaughn on the other hand had problems almost every day. Here is his update:

Ok, this hasn’t been easy!

Wednesday: No cash required, the canteen that serves food, only accepts cash and no cards-my stomach was growling J
Thursday: No cash required, my wife however had to put R80 into an envelope for my child’s event at school-I hope that is ok? It didn’t come out of my pocket though.
Friday: We went through to Kievits Kroon and there I paid R9.50 at the toll gates
Saturday: No cash required
Sunday: R9.50 at the toll gate going back home

Funny how, when you know you can’t use something-the world makes it obvious that you need it for that time period!!

Well tried Vaughn!
I really think that cash is on its way out.
I'll be thinking up a new experiment soon. 
Until then, have fun.

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