31 January 2019

A great helpful app

I eventually bought a new wallet as my one was a bit tatty. This created a new problem, all of my store loyalty cards didn't fit into the new wallet. Devin's girlfriend Kayleigh kept telling me about the app she uses called Stocard. I tried it and am super impressed.

Once you have downloaded it from your app store/playstore, it takes seconds to add a card. Press the + sign to add a new card, select one of the available card types and then simply scan the barcode of the card you want it to keep.

If the card does not have a barcode, my Makro card didn't, there is an option to add the card number manually.

I have added 8 cards that I use often and tested the MySchool card at woolies yesterday, it worked perfectly and I'm very happy with my lighter load in my wallet. I haven't tested any manually added cards yet.

The app looks like this. Thanks Kayleigh!

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