30 January 2020

How I study

The study journey for me started three years ago. I had been out of school for 35 years when I decide to start my first degree. I knew that I was interested in psychology so that was an easy choice for my first major. Communication seemed a logical choice for me and then I decided that I liked the sound of criminology. I registered with Unisa to do distance learning for the first semester of 2018 and I have never looked back. I love planning out the year with assignment due dates and exam dates and my year planner helps so much with this. I use post it notes in my bathroom window with all my assignments on them and I move them to the other window when I’m done with them. I love the visual aspect of seeing progress and this motivates me.

I buy lovely note books, cheap but lovely for each module and then get all my guides and tutorial letters that are so efficiently delivered soon after registration. My textbooks are kept in the same place, so I have no excuse. I have a huge plastic tub that has beautiful gel highlighters, post it notes, markers and pens.
I like my workplace to be comfortable, so I usually go on to YouTube and search ‘music to study to’, alpha wave music. I have everything I need in arms reach, a big jug of water, my stationery, and then, I set my phone timer for 40- minute sessions. I don’t do more than this without a swim, a walk-about or some other distraction. I draw crazy pictures when making notes and employ techniques that I have recently discovered called memory palaces. So far this has worked fine for me.

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